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We invite you to come out to The Original Full Moon Rooftop Yoga & Sound Bath Gathering/Event.
At the Original FMRTY Rooftop on loop 610 feeder road. Address is 1001 West Loop S. in Galleria area.
This Rooftop is on feeder road of the loop610, Turn right into the parking garage at 1001 on feeder road of Loop610, go all the way to the top of the parking garage, you don't have to pay for parking,
just drive to the top, park and walk up the ramp you will see us there. No Bathroom on site.
Donation based Yoga Gathering with $20 suggested Minimum donation.
Payments are taking the night of the event either with Cash or through Venmo or Cash App, or Zelle
Gentle movement and Restorative poses, then Sound Bath and Meditation.
Bring mats, props, blocks, blankets, bolsters, crystals, whatever you like to relax with.
You can call, message or email with any questions or help with directions.
Thank you All for continuing to share this Houston Yoga Community Gathering event.
We look forward to seeing everyone for the monthly Full Moon Rooftop Yoga Gatherings.
You can tag photos at : #FMRTY #Y4A #fullmoonrooftopyoga #yogaandsoundbath #houstonyoga #outdooryoga #communityyogagathering #houstonyogacommunity #yoga4allhouston #yeauxga4all
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